Exhausting day. Good Morning Bedlam proved to be a charm, a small venue producing an intimate experience–conversation and fellowship throughout. Three hours kayaking on the Au Sable River in the morning–ten and a half miles of river, and now I am spent. I relate the matter to the ending of the Upper Mississippi River adventure. My quest for fulfilling personal time, including all driving time dedicated to ‘The Enlightenment; The Pursuit of Happiness 1680-1790’ by Ritchie Robertson–a challenging engagement I feel driven to conclude–all amounts to depletion. It is time for sleep, hopefully enriching rejuvenation. Tomorrow is a day with an academic advisor–the beginning of my quest to complete my bachelor’s degree in order to retire into teaching high school literature/history, aiming for inner-city schools. I ended the day with a Rosary at the Our Lady of the Woods Shrine. The La Salette statue drew me in for prayer. I find the statue unique, insightful, fitting the moment.