St Clare

St Clare tribute

I do not mean to be extravagant, yet sometimes I have intuitive moments.   Today during mass, I felt a deep love from St Clare.  I attended mass away from the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.  Today, I returned to their home to celebrate mass.  During mass, absorbed in the profound, I observed a large stain glass depicting St Clare warding off attacking Saracens with the Eucharist.  St Clare, a true contemplative, possesses a sacred and strong place in my heart. I pray to her to protect my spiritual partner.  I want to post an image in her honor.  I love this image.  St Clare pray for us.




St Clare words

“Gaze upon Him, consider Him, contemplate Him, as you desire to imitate Him”.

“Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! Place your soul in the brilliance of glory! And transform your entire being into the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation.”
