

Holy Week begins

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

O sacred head! now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down;
Now scornfully surrounded
With thorns, thy only crown;
O sacred Head! what glory,
What bliss till now was thine!
I read the wondrous story!
I joy to call thee mine!

Modern hymn based upon the saint’s words coupled with images from ‘The Passion of  the Christ’.


Sisters of bonding

I have been unable to celebrate daily Mass at St Paul Shrine due to a first shift schedule. I found this video online.


A son

I was  introduced to this story, during a homily, while going through supporting times with my own son.


A poem

God it is so hard
Leaving us alone
Marion apparitions
Are not enough
Come down
Show us your loving mercy
Please God come down


Artistic expression

A beautiful expression of life, a visual Dickens novel, offered itself for the experiencing.  I discovered the classic French film ‘Children of Paradise’. The three hour epic was filmed in Paris during WWII, during the German occupation. It fancifully and eloquently defines rich characters in 1830s Paris, concentrating upon the theater and lovingly illustrating lower class life. I was amazed at what I felt was an authentic view into a time gone by, the wonderful life of Paris during distant times.
