A journey of recovery within Christ and His Church
Medieval Towers
Eucharistic Adoration
One into Christ
Pope John Paul II
A sisters silent intent.
Poor Clares
Mary Undoer of Knots
St Mary Thomas
St Alphonso Rodriguez
Window Cross
Padre Pio smile
Teresa pierced
Holy Hour
St Dionysius
St Bernard
Fortitude a Pathway
An early image revisited. Purity, high fashion to the divine extreme
Mary pierced
St John of the Cross sketching
Joy to the World
Jesus and John the Baptist
Highway Mary in the Sisters of the Incarnate Word Marian chapel.
Sorrowful Mysteries
St Francis de Sales and St Jane de Chantal, along with Visitation sisters.
Holy Mother and Divine Child
No Tepidity
Mother and Child
Immaculate Conception
Bride of Christ
St Michael
Unlikely Wanderer
St Francis de Sales
Georges de La Tour (1593-1652)
Eucharist by Okamihi
Death of St Joseph
Adoration of Magi
Purgatory upon the earth
Rending one’s garments
Philippe Petit
The Nativity
Wine and water
St John of the Cross Adoring
A minimalist Benedictine house of worship, choir stalls a plenty.
St Paul’s Shrine
St Bernard
Incense entrance
Christ and the thieves
Joan of Arc
Sedes Sapientiae: Mary the Throne of Wisdom
Gethsemane grounds
St Joseph
Jose Maria Escriva
Prayer offerings
Padre Pio
Sublime Growth
Unlikely Wanderer
Water into wine
Early friars
Christmas Monstrance
Our Lady of Ranson
Golden Dragon Acrobats
Rembrandt and the face of Jesus
St Jane Frances de Chantal
Blind leading the blind
Church Triumphant
St Mary’s, former seminary, Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
A painting, oil on acrylic, from Sister Mary Thomas’ studio.
Mary Assumption
St Francis saving Church
Overflowing Mirrored Stillness
Father Solanus Casey, Capuchin priest and porter
Hidden Abode, an Ozark alcove.
Sister Mary Thomas
Simple Offerings
New Testament
St Alphonsus Rodriguez
Our Lady of Pilar
St Francis de Sales
Madonna and Chil
Man Tower
Desert crossing
Storks nesting in Ephesus
Divine Mercy
St Dominic
Baby Jesus