Purgative aridity,
Unknowing all things to a point of losing stable ground,
Flailing, faltering forward, step by step, into an abyss lacking,
Comprehension acutely nowhere,
Memory amiss misfiring, appetite quenched,
A Presence, absolute darkness,
Existence assails with cruelty and persistence,
Abandoning to indifference, ready and not,
Thoughts heavy, cloudiness, unable to penetrate on into,
On into prayer,
On into alienation,
On into smallness,
Diminutive and dim,
Agitated over-eagerness rejected through bitter sweetness,
Now ready, moment by moment,
Instilled knowledge loaded and experience locked down,
Remembrance wounded, weak, and repetitive,
Repeating over and over,
On into…
On into…
On into…
Stronger, more mature, well rested, less noisy, accurate and assured,
A blankness smothers, covers immense,
Crushing underneath all that was, all that is and all that is to come,
Quiet and still,
God remains stationary, the same, silently thriving, aware, loving intense,
Metamorphoses, consubstantial,
On into the overwhelming,
No longer pursuing intellectually,
Sufficing, surrendering to that which is not,
Seduced, contradictory, the Divine entwines,
No rules engaged, commandment obligation, obedient,
A game of casual happenstance, coincidence resounding, predicated not,
A friendly smile warms the heart, melodramatics ignored,
In the meantime, a brother to a brother, a brother to a sister,
The tugging lure of passions tempting,
The disabling emptiness of yearning inflicting interior pain,
Loneliness, isolation, temptation,
Others are happy,
Others are not,
Others are sad,
Others are not,
Disregarding appetites aplenty,
On into, absorbing, adoring
Content, happily sad, contrite, weeping at the feet loving upon the Cross,
Shaded by the mantle of a Mother held dear,
I am lost, He finds, together we search.

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