
Overcoming ourselves to enjoy life and grow spiritually: Freedom over enslavement

The novel ‘All We Know of Heaven’ moved me.  The young man, having entered the monastery, enjoying a solid novitiate, suddenly struggles mightily with lustful thoughts, bringing to a halt his ability to sleep and the endurance of inner turmoil.  His days become drudgery and toil.  Even more devastating is the fact his severe temptation is homosexual in nature, calling into question his very worth as a man.  His fearful thoughts force him to nearly attempt self-castration, going as far as cutting himself before stopping himself.  Within our personal struggles, battling our deepest demons, exist the greatest opportunity for grace, within our wounds Christ comes at us the strongest, within our brokenness is the greatest opportunity to know the love of God.  “…where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”.  (Romans 5).  An area Dr. Nichta and myself discussed in depth yesterday was the idea of self-knowledge elevating contemplative efforts.  To know who I am is to become a more effective seeker of God.  Brutal honesty is necessary in realizing my weaknesses, for within my weaknesses is the area for the greatest growth, and therefore the pouring down of the greatest graces.  Ultimate victory must come through the defeating of that within us which is the furthest from God.  Freedom comes from the expanding of faith, hope, and charity, opening ourselves to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, acquiring the understanding to know the things that take us away from God, the wisdom to to discern the difference between enslavement of the flesh and the freedom of spiritual expansion.  Immediate sensual gratification, the indulgence of all our wants, desires, fantasies and worldly desires is placing ourselves in slavery to immaturity, an undisciplined childish approach to life, a diet of candy and sweets. Everlasting freedom is spiritual warfare, the task of doing the things in our heart we know are righteous.  God’s ways are not foreign and unknowable.  We are gifted with a conscious.  It is the discipline, the accomplishing of the difficult that is our demanding task.

In the novel, contemplate this episode.  After a community vote, the young man is accepted, personally by the abbot, to swear solemn vows.  Previous to the scene, the young man sat outside the meeting, slightly able to hear, distinguishing a heated argument.  The loud voice of Martin, the Irish monk the main character developed an infatuation with, experiencing an episode in which he expressed his feelings to Martin, became audible.  They had not spoken since.  Martin ignoring him intensely.   Martin could be heard yelling and arguing with the abbot.  Relying upon reason, self-conscious, the main character prepared to be rejected, dejectedly aware of his failings.

“This is the grand silence.  Forgive me,” Dom Jacques (abbot) whispered as he sat down at his desk, “but I wanted you to know that the lengthy chapter had nothing to do with you.  We took the vote before any shouting began.  In five minutes, that was all over.  We’ve accepted you.  Congratulations.”  He pointed to a chair, and Antoine (main character), shaking in the knees, went to sit.  Relief washed over him so suddenly that he nearly missed the chair and fell on the floor.”

“You should know,” the Abbot continued, “that Brother Martin and I have been at odds.”  His expression was sober.  “An argument broke out between us over the possibility of his transfer to another abbey.  I was thrown off balance.  I’m afraid.  Not prepared for an outburst in chapter, I lost my temper.”  The Abbot folded his hands.  “And as it stands, I think Martin is resolved to leave religious life altogether.”

Antoine’s mouth dropped.  Though tension had melted when he learned of his acceptance, this was now checked in thinking that he might have had something to do with Martin’s leaving.

“Reverend Father,” he said, “There’s something you should know.”  He blinked several times.  Straightening his back, he stumbled on, hardly knowing what to say.  “When I asked to be moved in the dormitory because of my mattress, I told you a lie.  My request had nothing to do with a mattress.  Truth is, I am strongly attracted to Brother Martin.”

“The matress?” Dom Jacques asked.

“Yes.  I told you that my mattress was shaped for someone else and kept me from sleeping.  But you see, it was really Martin who kept me awake.”


Antoine closed his eyes for a moment and tried to rephrase his tumble of words.  “Yes.  Please understand I’m…I think I’m attracted to Martin.  What I mean is…I think I’m a homosexual.”

The Abbot waited for more, but Antoine had nothing more to say.  A moment went by and the Abbot looked at his watch.

“Yes,” he said.  “Each of us has his burden to bear.  Listen, Brother, it’s getting late.  You’d best get to bed.”

Antoine stood and walked to the door on unsteady legs.  He hesitated, thinking the Abbot had not heard correctly.  Perhaps he should repeat the confession.  The Abbot spoke again.

“Antoine,” he said.  “Pray for Brother Martin.  Pray for God’s blessing upon him.  You of all people might be in the best position to do that.”

“Yes, Reverend Father.”  Antoine stood at the door for a moment, then he left the office and made his way to bed.  There it was, simple and straightforward: a request for prayers.  Nothing more.  His heart pounded as if it slipped into a higher gear.  He felt winded.  Even if the Abbot had completely misunderstood his confession, the deed was done.  He had claimed something sexual about himself, and what was more, had announced it aloud.  There was no going back.  He did not want to go back.  A new sense of identity had begun to bloom, and he felt he knew himself far better than before.  The confession left him stronger.  

That is a powerful scene.  The young man’s anxiety was unfounded.  His fears stronger than reality.  He would come to terms with Martin, understanding Martin’s clashing with the Abbot had nothing to do with him.  Even deeper the psychological healing of understanding himself, developing a profound sense of who he was allowed him to overcome his personal inclination toward sin.  Ambiguities replaced with certainty, self-knowledge allows for personal growth upon a deeply spiritual level.

Other thoughts mingle, yet I want to leave everything.  Let that resonate.  An ending with something lighter.  Now for something different.  My secret garden, Cain Park provided mesmerizing, tantalizing meditation, exotic in nature as Chinese acrobats entertained, beauty displayed, the joy of life played out upon the stage.  The Golden Dragon Acrobats.  Here is a video clip.  Wonderful night of observing physical grace refined.  These remarkably athletic and skilled young men and women naturally put a smile upon the face.  Spellbinding, this young lady was a personal favorite. I met her after the show. She was with a group selling memorabilia. Her beauty, exuberance, strength, joy, and innocence were captivating, disarming, invigorating and a blessing from God to encounter.

Golden Dragon Acrobats

Golden Dragon Acrobats


More Than A Life

Encompassing all this,
Withholding for naught,
Auguring totality,
Things to be,
Simplicity complex,
Perplexity immense,
Innocence shattered,
A Bloody aftermath remains,
A birth, a death, a rebirth, eternity,
Falling through the ages,
Creation centers in being,
An individual extreme,
Conception, a waiting womb forming,
A slap on the bare ass, a scream,
It is time,
A life baptized,
Awake little innocent one birthed in likeness to ultimate unity,
Now you are one set apart,
Cry and scream,
Hunger and demand,
Belch and vomit,
Throw up upon yourself,
Passions aplenty,
Amazed and delighted,
Wiggle the fingers and toes,
Childhood growing,
A voice, subconscious forming,
Parents, broken adults loving, teaching, rearing,
Offering a name, others to huddle and cuddle amongst,
Effort, mistakes, success,
Pleasure and pain,
Skinned knees,
Gratifying victories,
The measles and mumps,
A broken heart,
A home run,
A game winning three,
Memories amidst the surviving,
Sitting in a pew week after week witnessing,
Receiving communion,
Generational imperfections amass,
The parental arrow that pierces was never meant to fly,
The embedded arrows within let loose the one that stings,
It is not of God, the brokenness within,
Children become fathers and mothers,
Sons and lovers,
Daughters and danger,
Siblings and sadness,
Competition and fun,
Let us cry and laugh,
Allow experiences to linger while new ones are birthed,
Surpass, surmount,
Holy Mother witness, watch, pray, shower graces,
Undo knots,
Crush the serpent’s head,
You, the profound everlasting Mother,
Regenerate generations,
To lose one little sheep,
No, No, No,
Trinity please appease,
Through time, through births, through the many,
Emancipate one,
Enslave none,
Lord above, seated at the right hand,
A cross your earthly throne,
Your crown thorns,
Transform sorrow,
Allow joy to reign eternally supreme.
For each and every,
Heart beating within suffering,
Touch the individual standing alone,
Washed in sin, in faith, in hope, in love,
Life must surpass original sin,
Eclipse psychological and physical disasters,
A lasting train wreck God never directed,
Expand, breath into the virtues Holy Spirit,
Provide the gifts of true worldly advancement,
Archangels assist,
Bellow Gabriel, guide Raphael, protect Michael,
All you saints adore the wonder of individual creation,
Let not one escape without time changing battles,
Love the one in peril,
The Church of Christ support, sustain, inspire, teach,
Soothe the deepest wounds,
Filial infestation,
Hurting the deepest, the ones loved most,
Psychological impairment,
Blockage, obstacles,
Catholic church heal, amend,
A soft gentle touch,
A harsh brutal reprimand, discipline,
Sacramental gifting,
The Eucharest adoring,
Being adored,
Swallowing whole salvation.
