
Haiku meandering on into luminescence

More Haiku. I have determined I do not like the use of commas. They break-up the flow of images, the gracing of mysteries, within applied words and juxtapositions. I removed the commas on all the stuff I did at Our Lady of the Pines, amazed by the results. Pleased. I am confident further depth was achieved.

Fullness being three
Aspects preternaturally
Man walks on the moon

Living in my head
Lions dancing with the herd
Brutal survival

Forced Competition
I do not know how to be
Threatened through breathing

Self-defense deny
Unable to cleanse within
Brokenness pervades

Tunnel leading in
The monkey wrench of misdeeds
Saints and hallow help

Night abode of sleep
Dreams alighting upon memory
A long winding road

Healing to know love
Traversing through still prayer
Heart blossoms refined

Able to be me
Contrite confident content
Mature formation

Mature faith hope love
Nothing binds not even God
Calm luminescence

Luminescence cool
Lacking fiery passion
Mary’s benign kiss
