
Subterfuge Impossible


‘contemplation is the soul’s free and clear dwelling upon the object of its gaze’. (Aquinas)

Three things are required for contemplation. First, the ordering of the corrupt affections, which ordering is a certain disposition towards contemplation, and this is had through the moral virtues. So the wings are moral virtues, such as patience and humility etc…Another wing is charity which greatly helps one to fly to contemplation…Another wing is wisdom, and by the wings of wisdom, truth is contemplated, for without these wings, one is easily taken into errors if divine things are contemplated…(Aquinas)

Super Psalmos, the image of ‘wings’ occurs a number of times and most memorably, perhaps, when Thomas is referring to the power of Christ’s protection. Thus, commenting on the phrase Protect me under the shadow of your wings, he writes: ‘The two wings are the two arms of Christ extended on the cross’….


Now shade protects us from heat, just as God’s care refreshes us with safety. Like wise a hen protects her chicks in her wings against a bird of prey, just as God defends the just from the rapacity of the demons in his wings, which are charity and mercy. How often I wanted to gather you just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not. Mt. 23.37…

The actual life of contemplation, evoked by the phrase ‘contemplata aliis tradere’, is a way of life that can hope to survive and flourish only if it is able enjoy a serene, meditative environment….Those who ‘take flight’ in contemplation, and in particular those who make great progress in prayer, are not men and women of a complacent and self-satisfied disposition. No, the opposite is the case. Commenting on the text, This poor man called and the Lord heard him, (Psalm 33), Thomas (Aquinas) observes that the individual, in this case, was manifestly ‘poor in spirit (anawim), or poor in that way, or poor in earthly desires’. And it is men and women who are poor in that way, Thomas insists, whose prayer has real merit in the end, and who, because they cry out ‘with the intensity of interior desire’ find their prayers answered by God.

To me, poor wretch,
Come quickly, Lord!
My helper, my savior, my God,
Come and do not delay!

These lines of manifest poverty of spirit, and intense longing, comprise the short stanza which concludes Psalm 39. The Dominican Master, instead of simply commenting on the lines, expresses something of their meaning in his own direct and simple prose:

I am asking everything because by myself I am not able to do anything since I am a beggar…A beggar is someone who seeks from another what he needs to live, while a poor man is someone who has not enough for himself…I must out of necessity, therefore, beg God for the help of his grace.  I am also a poor man, and what I possess is not enough for me.  Because I recognize this, the Lord takes care of me.  And, because I am needy, You, Lord, are my help.  And, because of danger, Do not delay!  Lord, come to my aid!

–Paul Murray OP ‘Aquinas at Prayer: The Bible, Mysticism and Poetry’


St John of the Cross enraptured


The Living Flame Of Love

Songs of the soul in the intimate communication of loving union with God.

O living flame of love
that tenderly wounds my soul
in its deepest center! Since
now you are not oppressive,
now consummate! if it be your will:
tear through the veil of this sweet encounter!

O sweet cautery,
O delightful wound!
O gentle hand! O delicate touch
that tastes of eternal life
and pays every debt!
In killing you changed death to life.

O lamps of fire!
in whose splendors
the deep caverns of feeling,
once obscure and blind,
now give forth, so rarely, so exquisitely,
both warmth and light to their Beloved.

How gently and lovingly
you wake in my heart,
where in secret you dwell alone;
and in your sweet breathing,
filled with good and glory,
how tenderly you swell my heart with love.


On into…

Purgative aridity,
Unknowing all things to a point of losing stable ground,
Flailing, faltering forward, step by step, into an abyss lacking,
Comprehension acutely nowhere,
Memory amiss misfiring, appetite quenched,
A Presence, absolute darkness,
Existence assails with cruelty and persistence,
Abandoning to indifference, ready and not,
Thoughts heavy, cloudiness, unable to penetrate on into,
On into prayer,
On into alienation,
On into smallness,
Diminutive and dim,
Agitated over-eagerness rejected through bitter sweetness,
Now ready, moment by moment,
Instilled knowledge loaded and experience locked down,
Remembrance wounded, weak, and repetitive,
Repeating over and over,
On into…
On into…
On into…
Stronger, more mature, well rested, less noisy, accurate and assured,
A blankness smothers, covers immense,
Crushing underneath all that was, all that is and all that is to come,
Quiet and still,
God remains stationary, the same, silently thriving, aware, loving intense,
Metamorphoses, consubstantial,
On into the overwhelming,
No longer pursuing intellectually,
Sufficing, surrendering to that which is not,
Seduced, contradictory, the Divine entwines,
No rules engaged, commandment obligation, obedient,
A game of casual happenstance, coincidence resounding, predicated not,
A friendly smile warms the heart, melodramatics ignored,
In the meantime, a brother to a brother, a brother to a sister,
The tugging lure of passions tempting,
The disabling emptiness of yearning inflicting interior pain,
Loneliness, isolation, temptation,
Others are happy,
Others are not,
Others are sad,
Others are not,
Disregarding appetites aplenty,
On into, absorbing, adoring
Content, happily sad, contrite, weeping at the feet loving upon the Cross,
Shaded by the mantle of a Mother held dear,
I am lost, He finds, together we search.



A further prayer from St Thomas Aquinas

Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

I praise,
Glorify and bless you,
My God,
For the immeasurable
Favours shown to me
Who am unworthy.

I praise
Your kind forbearance,
Waiting on me for so long

And your gentleness
Appearing in the guise of a sharp reprisal.

I praise
Your tenderness
Calling out to me,

Your kindness
Supporting me,

Your mercy
Forgiving my sins

I praise
Your goodness for giving me
More than I deserve
And your patience
For not remembering
Past injuries

I praise your humility
That consoles me,
Your patience
That protects me,
Your eternity
That preserves me,
Your truth
That rewards me.

What can I say,
My God, about your ineffable generosity?

For you call back the fugitive,
You welcome the one who returns.

You support the one who falters.

You gladden the despondent,
You urge on the negligent.

You arm the warrior,
You crown the victor.

You spurn the repentant sinner,
You do not remember past crimes.

You set us free from many perils,
You soften our hearts for penitence.

You frighten us with chastisements,
You entice us with promises.

You correct us with scourges,
You guard us with a ministering angel.

Temporal things
You supply for us, eternal things you keep for us
In reserve.

You inspire us with grandeur of creation.

You draw us forward
With the mercy of redemption. You promise us
Blessings in reward.

For all these things
I cannot give sufficient praise.

I give thanks, however,
To your majesty,
For the abundance of your immense goodness,
May you always
Increase your grace in me,
Preserve that increase,
And reward what you have preserved.


Corpus Christi


St Thomas Aquinas

A prayer for the virtues

O Almighty and all-knowing God,

without beginning or end,
who art the giver, preserver, and rewarder of all virtue:

Grant me to stand firm on the solid foundation of faith,
be protected by the invincible shield of hope,
and be adorned by the nuptial garment of charity;

Grant me by justice to obey thee,
by prudence to resist the crafts of the Devil,
by temperance to hold to moderation,
by fortitude to bear adversity with patience;

Grant that the goods that I have I may share liberally
with those who have not,
and the good that I do not have I may seek with humility
from those who have;

Grant that I may truly recognise the guilt of the evil I have done,
and bear with equanimity the punishments I have deserved;
that I may never lust after the goods of my neighbour,
but always give thanks to thee for all thy good gifts…

Plant in me, O Lord, all thy virtues,
that in divine matters I might be devout,
in human affairs wise,
and in the proper needs of the flesh onerous to no one…

And grant that I may never rush to do things hastily,
nor balk to do things demanding,
so that I neither yearn for things too soon,
nor desert things before they are finished.


Chastity–a poem

Celebrating sanctifying grace,
Never forsaken, freely given,
Never communicating lies to another,
Ceasing errant transmissions.
Grasping delusion through imposition.
Experience cherished.
A catalyst ignites even further.
Sorrow burrows hard and heavy.
Here she comes, it’s dying time.
Take it in deeper.
Take it tough.
On in to…
On in to…
On in to…
Blossoming love.
Austere negating
Apophatic theology.
There is no God…
Starting over
Darkness of the soul whitening the inside,
Brightening the beautiful blinding blackness,
Time, accumulating, mounting for twenty plus.
Calling even further into celibacy.
Swept away my Beloved comes.
Waiting eternal He presents a void.
My Beloved screams.
Passing through the Word incarnate,
A crucifixion,
A resurrection,
An ascension.
Fulfilling fruitfully with delightful insanity.
Mysterious one discarding identity.
Left profoundly alone,
The purity of chastity transforms.
Untouched, overflowing.




Lord, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.

Beloved longing in emptiness
Nonbeing within being
Power immense
Deprived of presence
Nothing else fills
Beloved come to me
Dreaming dreams
Praying prayers
A path
Heart beating
A void
Reduced to a nonentity
The aftermath
A life
Love so strong
Listen loud
Knowing my Beloved through negation
What is not flows in overabundant absence
So strong the heart bursts forward in adoration
Simple silent attention
Proudness erupts
Sin waits not so patiently
Success brings about temptation
Everything tried calcifies
My Beloved’s withdrawal sustains the rigidness
The dark night a solution to my solutions
Comprehending no longer caring
Separate from the world
The killing time long since deceased
Reminiscing amongst the loss of memories
A process
A time
Growing old and sublime
Eventually the fading once detaching from is long since entrenched
It’s been years since I died
Beloved there has been only you for a breadth of time
Continuous prayer throughout another night
Beloved rape my heart with your loneliness
Expose your depths
Proud inner poverty of spirit
Teach me that which I so quickly forego and forget
Beloved who are You?
Yet to wait
Teach me not to regret
Teach me not to dream
Kiss me upon the neck
Caress on in to
Smother me with Your love
My Beloved
