The Cleveland diocese insightfully touched upon a wonderfully enlightening approach to the Catholic faith by opening the doors of various consecrated communities throughout the Cleveland area for a day of visitation. It is invigorating to explore the many faces of the men and women making up the body of the Church, to touch the lives of those giving their lives to the Church. Carol opted to babysit her grandson, so hastily I threw together a ragtag bunch of four to join me on the excursion after a Jubilee mass at St Paul’s celebrating sixty years of service for one of their Poor Clares. The first community, the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary, easily won our hearts with their joy of hosting visitors, imploring the ingestion of food and juices. We watched a video with one of the sisters narrating. The video showed young women entering the order in Uganda. The entering sister’s parents escorted them to the alter before the many gathered. The parents presented their daughter to the Church. The small simple community was supported by a large group of local women excited to assist. The loving sisterly bond easily evident. Men and children of the neighborhood were also present. The three sisters arriving only in 2014 are obviously making a strong impression upon the inner-city neighborhood they have been stationed to minster and evangelize within. A superb way to start the pilgrimage. The next stop, my third visit in three days, resided with the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. The congregation publishes a scholarly and artistically striking magazine ‘Emmanuel’. A view into their world of superior publishing proved impressive. The graphics studio was an elegant, organized, and minimalist in clutter working space. Sparsely yet finely decorated a captivating painting by one of the Fathers decorated the back wall. The painting depicts St Jean Baptiste, a community church in downtown Manhattan. There was also a finely framed and matted display of many photos of St Peter Julian Eymard positioned horizontally. Black and white reality images of a saint from previous times. The highlight of the tour of the impressive, tastefully, decorated dwelling, a former seminary, was an invitation into their quaint museum of ancient monstrances, chalices, tapestries, and vestments. The final stop was another community of Poor Clares. Time running short, their display of historical photographs was not granted proper attention. Two of the cloistered sisters spoke with us through boundary gates. Their joy to speak with visitors was infectious. They truly were honored and pleased to entertain guest. Both appearing prayerful and contented. The pilgrimage ended appropriately with prayer in the Poor Clares chapel before the exposed Eucharist.

Weekend appraisal
I am looking forward to this weekend dominated by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Sunday is the feast day of St. Peter Julian Eymard, founder of the Eucharistic community. The weekend presents three incredible saints for celebration. Friday, July 31st, honors St. Ignatius of Loyola. Saturday, the opening of August, the Doctor of the Church St. Alphonsus Liguori is granted acclamation. The weekend itinerary involving the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament presents a communal Holy Hour with prayer before the Blessed Sacrament Friday evening. Saturday will be a full day of instruction, concluding with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Sunday, Jim Brown will preach during mass. The approachable, amiable gentleman made the initial impression of a mature intelligent man of faith, humble within worldly success and authoritative position. Sunday the community will also open its doors to the public as a part of the Diocese’s concentration upon the consecrated life. It is really edifying to experience the various religious communities existing throughout the Cleveland area. My friend Carol and I have developed pleasing camaraderie in pursuit of the Diocesan agenda. I will be privileged with her company this Sunday. I am also going to extend an invitation to my therapist/spiritual director. Another community opening their doors is the Poor Clares of Colettine. I have not attended their Sunday Benediction in quite a while. Since moving to the East side, I have lost touch with this blessed Sunday afternoon tradition. The Poor Clares offer a quaint, bright white, holy chapel, truly a Thin Place, a space naturally to lose one’s self within prayer. The final community to be explored is the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary at the St Adalbert Parrish of Cleveland. I must say I am really intrigued to explore the sister’s life. Originating from Uganda, the sisters in 2014 began ministering through the St Adalbert Parrish. I found a video online that absolutely melted my heart. It should be a splendid weekend.
I met with Father Roger, my favorite Tanzanian priest, yesterday. Hopefully moving forward in resolution of a complexity proving to be an obstacle in my prayer life. Every aspect of my life is focused upon greater efficacy in worship and prayer. Alone, I can accomplish the endeavor, however, in truth and reality that is proving to be impossible. Cloaking myself with maturity, consultation is embraced. A determination is made with the respected priest. I belong at St Paul’s Shrine. If the abiding religious men and women question my authenticity or my ways in any regard, I want to know. I am small before all, especially the consecrated. I know who I am. I know who others are. If I am not welcome, I will seek solace within another church. I was touched when one of the extern sisters, seeing me walk past with Father Roger, came out to thank me so earnestly for providing and assisting with the open house Sunday. How could she not know, she provided so much by allowing me to be of service. So I will continue worshipping and adoring at St Paul’s Shrine, absolutely unsure I will be able to contain my wrath.
St Alphonsus Rodriguez spiritually directs:
Another advantage which temptation brings with it is, that it makes us more attentive to our duties of obligation, hinders us from being remiss in them, and causes us to stand more upon our guard; like men who are every hour on the point of engaging.
…one day St. Gertrude, bewailing bitterly a fault she was subject to, and begging of God most earnestly to free her from it; our Lord, with great bounty, answered her thus; “Why wouldst thou, my dear daughter, deprive me of great glory, and thyself of great reward? Every time that thou art sensible of thy fault, and dost purpose to amend it for the future, it is a new merit thou acquires; and as often as one endeavors to overcome any fault for the love of me, he does me the same honor as a brave soldier does his king, in fighting courageously against his enemies, and endeavoring to conquer them”.
Video of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary now stationed at St Adalbert’s Parrish in Cleveland.

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