Down in Adoration falling, ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’
A movie alone, solitary announcing, witnessing hidden amidst darkness, eyes wide open perceiving based upon experience,
Gabriel, not the archangel, a man of patience, perseverance, and proud,
A shepherd courting proper, romance and passion, a smooth hand seriously devout, lacking intimidation, kindness and gentleness abounds,
Thy will be done beyond fear and doubt, acting unrestrained in trusting,
Ahead of others, pushing past the pain, allowing the hurt of imperfections, penetrating the Hardy shores of England, aridity and barrenness, knowing no success, Gabriel calmly endures the assisting of Bathsheba,
Gradualism, appropriate building toward the profound, subtle in the tasting, victorious eternal only sighted by its breadth,
Desiring only goodness, I am an antithesis, emotional and loud to the best of abilities and upbringings, screaming, kicking unapologetic, demanding to be right while frantically infighting, pursuing innocence, imposing a transformative anarchy,
A storm centering upon correctness, the ways of advancement violent and harsh, unGodly ruling upon the appetite of suppression, obsession, many years too quiet, silent in stupefaction, a longing arising from the deepest abscess, screaming in silence away from the crowd, crying hidden, identifying alone,
Knowing the love of a heart strong in prayer, yet unknowing the confidence of negation, the higher consecration of subjugation, the discernment to appease only God, ascertaining only with discomfort, isolating unbridled shame,
Silent like an amused angel, stealthily moving about in the obscurity of your prayer cell, caring mass attending, God provides illustrations, patterns in the making, a finger descending from a cloud, a smile beneath a veil, bonding sister I aspire to make you proud, Poor Clare able to tame a wrathful temper, constructing strength I am weak, wounded, and ashamed, you perceive I am barely breathing, cowering within my growing tall, I listen to you during the intensity of sacred mysteries being celebrated, newer rites avail, I curl fetal within the silence, soul comforting the blindness,
Exist another holy striving, seeking I feel your prayers, needing your incense rising, inundating olfactory sensing: breathing in, cleansing release, calming vital to the nerves, in prayer allow the heart to settle, the mind to finish quaking, the being to be lowered to the essential secreted refrain, the tongue only good when quiet, allowing simply tasting, provide and keep me near,
All human effort ultimately insufficient, a man can do only what a man can do, joining with a sister a heart can be renewed, allowing proper introspection, pleading with the perpetually adoring, infusion awaiting, calling upon the merciful Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost I am silent, devoted desiring, a new day dawns, moments to appear, needing rest I repose underneath the covers.