Adding to identity

I am somebody. I am special, unique and proud. I have an identity that possesses meaning. A Jacob Riis turn of the century photo.

I am somebody. I am special, unique and proud. I have an identity that possesses meaning beyond my daily reality.  A Jacob Riis turn of the century photo.


Avoiding a reactionary mindset, comprehending the identifying of lesser ways puts forth the tendency of judgment–serving no deeper purpose such as silence beholds, I cannot help yet notice the self-empowerment the internet provides in promoting identity.  A caution to self, the ease of becoming someone, celebrating myself to excess, is a breeze upon the world wide web.  A Facebook page is something grand in attachment to identity, being something centered in a life ostracized from contemplative humility–the hidden nature Our Holy mother blessed upon her days something unknown.  Of course, others are not called to the contemplative path.  No harm in the conviction to dwell in identity, to complexly have fun, to be someone. What can I be if others do not know I am someone? I have to be someone in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of those I hope to allure.  The promoting of a fascinating dynamic self is not detrimental to salvation.  Another path exists, one bound for deeper dark waters. Can a contemplative waving his hands for attention be heard if he falls amidst the noise of others? Not sure. Of course, a tree is heard when it falls alone in silence.  To be a contemplative is to set upon the interior way, a path of perfection transcending self, focusing upon God.


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