Through the eyes of Christ

I used the term fully engaged the other day regarding the significant other. I would like to expand. Being fully engaged is being present for another in a way that one is completely where one is at, within imperfection being everything Christ desires one to be in regards to interacting with another. To stand nowhere except where one stands. To see exactly what is before one within humility, love, and the desire to see through the eyes of Christ. To think and act with pure motivation to the best of one’s abilities. I always perceived it as an essential statement of Jesus missionary work on earth that he was absolutely present, aware and loving in the fullest, for those he encountered. The woman at the well comes to mind. Other factors: Mosaic Law, His own identity, the influence of others, the need to compare and judge, never usurped the salvation of the one He directly interacted with. At the moment of engagement, that one before Him meant everything. It is truly a rare feat to be able to fully engage one’s self when encountering others. The overwhelming factors of life coupled with crippling and successful experiences burden most with the need to be consumed with themselves—the reality of encountering the world in a defensive manner, even when that defense is a constant offense. Even in many of the well-intended, greetings and kind words come off as self-glorifying, vanity of vanities, an exercise of doing what is easily perceived as correct while interiorly condescending, holding one’s self as a purveyor of righteousness, never for a moment becoming vulnerable and truly loving in openness and nonjudgement. It is so easy to force the world and others to be constantly answering to my expectations and desires, to force others to line up amidst a row of suspects and allies, forcing competition—comparing and contrasting in order to belittle all and protect myself. I had more to say on this yet time is short. Within the embracing of experiential rather than theoretical, I am committed to increasing my physical exercise and reading.



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