A remarkably well made video on monastic life, precious, beautiful scenery and shots–wonderful content and presence.
Remigiusz Sowa video creator. Chouette Films.
A remarkably well made video on monastic life, precious, beautiful scenery and shots–wonderful content and presence.
Remigiusz Sowa video creator. Chouette Films.
St Bruno statue Calabria, Italy
It has been awhile since I journaled in a post. God is good and all giving. Work settles nicely, a return to second shift pleasing. I have just completed plans for a Thanksgiving vocational visit to the Carthusian monastery of Transfiguration in the mountains of Vermont. I will arrive Saturday, committed to staying until Wednesday. On Wednesday, a decision will be reached whether to continue the visit or return to the significant other and celebrate festivities with family. I surrender to mystery, allowing the time of intense contemplative prayer to appeal. Appropriate complexities arise with the significant other, demands upon maturity naturally called forth due to shared imperfections. Wednesday, she utilized her lunch to meet me at St Paul Shrine for noon Mass. It proved meaningful, surprisingly deep in penetration. Her love is authentic and genuine. She is not churning and burning through people. I am not just another to fill her time and dissipate energy because she cannot bear to be alone. She is attracted specifically to me, making herself vulnerable. She is a good woman who knows what she wants. I am moved, humbled and grateful for the sanctifying grace, aware of the immense healing power provided through her. No woman has treated me the ways she does. She is special on a multitude of levels. She grasped my hand during Mass, the effort comforting immensely. The extern Poor Clare sisters from India, having not seen her for some time, were delighted with her presence, joyful and abundant with words. There is something profound within our relationship. Sunday will be an Arise potluck following a Mass dedicated to the various Arise gatherings at St Clare and St Paschal Baylon. The members of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament will attend as well as the priest of St Clare and other invited guest. I am making a lentil soup, finding an excellent recipe with butternut squash and kale. Life is good, abundant and evocative.
Detox Balance Lentil Soup
For the crockpot:
·2 cups butternut squash (peeled and cubed)
·2 cups carrots (peeled and sliced)
·2 cups potatoes (chopped)
·2 cups celery (chopped)
·1 cup green lentils
·¾ cup yellow split peas (or just use more lentils)
·1 onion (chopped)
·5 cloves garlic (minced)
·8-10 cups vegetable or chicken broth
·2 teaspoons herbs de provence
·1 teaspoon salt (more to taste)
Add at the end:
·2-3 cups kale (stems removed, chopped)
·1 cup parsley (chopped)
·½ cup olive oil – rosemary olive oil or other herb infused oil is delicious
·swish of sherry, red wine vinegar, or lemon juice to add a nice tangy bite
1. Place all ingredients in the crockpot. Cover and cook on high for 5-6 hours or low for 7-8 hours.
2. Place about 4 cups of soup in a blender with the olive oil. Pulse gently until semi-smooth and creamy-looking (the oil will form a creamy emulsion with the soup). Add back to the pot and stir to combine. Stir in the kale and parsley. Turn the heat off and just let everything chill out for a bit before serving. The taste gets better with time and so does the texture, IMO!
3. Season to taste (add the sherry, vinegar, and/or lemon juice at this point).
Vulnerability visible, thin fragility decorating,
Refined carpentry creation,
A table next to the Altar,
Bold in lacking, strength in weakness,
Silent in demand, quietly standing,
Wooden perch of pronouncement,
A sublime displaying of burning incense,
Wafting upward and Eucharist bells,
Four legs acting pillars during Mass,
Symbolically, the Gospels supporting,
Curving crafted lines of subtle intent,
Minimal structure amidst the sanctuary,
Precious protection in need of restraint,
A drop of water and wine mixing,
Everything susceptible, the salvation of man.
Accordingly in His great kindness, God, Who is ever attentive to the needs and well-being of His Church, chose BRUNO, a man of eminent sanctity, for the work of bringing the contemplative life back to the glory of its original integrity. To that intent BRUNO founded the Carthusian Order, imbued it thoroughly with his own spirit and provided it with those laws which might efficaciously induce its members, freed from the demands of every sort of exterior ministry and office, to advance speedily along the way of inward sanctity and of the most rigorous penance; laws which would also impel them to persevere with steadfast hearts in the same austere and hard life. And it is a recognized fact that through nearly nine hundred years the Carthusians have so well retained the spirit of their founder, Father and lawgiver that unlike other religious institutes, their Order has never in so long a space of time needed any amendment, or, as they say, reform. –The solemn teaching of Pope Pius XI on the Apostolic Value of Carthusian Life: Contemplatives in the Heart of the Church.
To try the just, God employs the malice of demons and the perversity of sinners. Job lost his children and his possessions. He fell from opulence to misery. And then he said: “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. As it hath pleased the Lord, so is it done? Blessed be the name of the Lord.” As St Augustine remarks on this, “Job did not say: The Lord gave and the devil hath taken away. Everything has happened, not according to the devil’s will, but according to the will of God. Refer, then, to Him all the evils that happen to you, for the devil himself can do you no hurt without His permission. –Abbot Vitalis Lehodey ‘Holy Abandonment’
Left alone, unaided in effort, abandoning ambition, rain drops infusing,
A voice chanting within the lasting body of earthily creation, a call,
One amongst many living and deceased, revealing depravation, ceaseless cessation,
An example within a reflection lacking self-consciousness, a habit hood pulled over the head, disappearing,
Mediocrity pronounced, salvation defined, perfection announced within unification,
Reality usurping chatter, noisy dispositions, no dispensations, a war without wage, hidden amidst orders,
For All is the same within individuality, returning to the center, wandering deserted, the prodigal son returns,
One Son eternal, a Father patient, loving, and kind, a Dove descending,
Walking solitary down a darkened cloister hall, fluted columns to the left and right, silent in witness,
Desert settling, boundaries pronounced, lines of demarcation plotted about, points of contemplation planted as seeds,
Day after day starting anew, stripped bare to the bone and still bleeding, the body remains, a soul imperfect,
The heart beats as the mind surrenders, the will renders relation, stubborn and old, fighting the whole way,
In little ways, nothing great accomplished, nothing superior established, nothing done in magnificence,
Home bound, distinction and division soothed away, attrition the lessening, no hope of papal ascension,
Argument and debate silenced, willing to be forgotten, willing no longer, religious aspirations and reputation erased,
Religious authority embraced, sacrificing exceptional performance, lowly within the center of hierarchy,
A Carthusian monk sits alone with his brothers, alive and awake in Christ.
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