St Clare of Assis

O God, who in your mercy led Saint Clare to a love of poverty,
grant, through her intercession,
that, following Christ in poverty of spirit,
we may merit to contemplate you
one day in the heavenly Kingdom.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Saint Clare
O Light from Light, all splendor’s Source,
Whose clear beams shine with heaven’s joy,
We give You thanks for Mother Clare
And ev’ry form of praise employ.
Enticed by Francis’ preaching sweet,
Christ Crucified became her Spouse;
She gathered sisters to her side
Where Poverty would grace the house.
She left behind all earthly gain
That riches true might be her all;
In poverty, obedience,
And chastity she heard Christ’s call.
As mother to her flock, she lived
And modeled Christ to ev’ryone;
In loving service spent herself
In toil from dawn to setting sun.
As she has shown us, Lord,
Your way, So give us grace like her to be,
That we may turn from self to You
And in your Way be truly free.
Most high, omnipotent, good God,
O Father, Son and Spirit blest,
With Mother Clare and all your saints Bring us,
Your Church, to endless rest.
Place Your Mind Before the Mirror of Eternity!
Poem by St. Clare of Assisi
Place your mind before the mirror of eternity!
Place your soul in the brilliance of glory!
Place your heart in the figure of the divine substance!
And transform your whole being into the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation!
So that you too may feel what His friends feel
as they taste the hidden sweetness
which God Himself has reserved
from the beginning
for those who love Him.
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